Photography is a human expression. It is not as old as the cave painting nor as newer as motion cinema but it has made its own place not only as popular art form but also as a medium to document time. Photography as a creative medium was developed around 1800s but as of now, in 21st century, once digital era kicked off, it has become a way of life. The possibilities of photography have become endless. Photographers around the world spend every living moment stitching together innovative visuals constituted in portraiture, documentary, photojournalistic, as well as both conceptual and abstract styles. The timeless power of photography has become an ability to tell complex, rich stories about phenomena in all corners of the globe transcending genres and boundaries. Photographs are universally readable, and in this revolutionary era of mobility and communication, they are bridging gap by introducing us to the people and places we aren’t always able to see with our own eyes. They succeed in many ways to make us connect with the world intimately despite the physical distance, distinct language and cultural diversity.

Lighthouse, as a creative institution, has always been active in creating and nurturing an artistic atmosphere in the city to explore creative possibilities and promote the budding as well as the established artists. Considering the wider possibilities of photography, starting from 2021, Lighthouse will hold a photography exhibition every year to explore the subjects, events and issues that surround us. Not only to inform and educate, the exhibition will aim to preserve, sensitize and evoke reactions from the citizens. It hopes these photographs and the exhibition along with a book published from the exhibited photographs will act as a reflection of the time we live in.


TIMESCAPES 2021 invites photographs from thousands of the creative talents of Odisha and outside as well as from the newer aspirants on the subject- ‘FACES‘. We expect not to receive just photographs of peoples face but we also want every photograph to tell a story through the photograph. We want the participants to treat the subject ‘faces’ as a theme and explore it either creatively or journalistically – or simultaneously.


Gone are the days when one needs a camera to take a photograph. With the invent of digital format and lately the mobile phone, more than the medium, the message is all that matters. We believe there should be no boundary to how one should tell a story. Hence, we will invite entries from the professionals who paint pictures with their cameras, and from the common mass who can send their photos taken through their mobile phones.

Professional Category: All professional photographers and hobbyist who captures through D/SLR or mirrorless camera should apply in this category.

Amateur Category: All who takes photograph through their mobile phones need to submit their entries in this category only.


We have prepared a list of people best in their field as judges who will evaluate the received entries. After sorting and selection, the judges will choose two winners from each category who will be awarded appropriately on the first day of the exhibition.


The exhibition will run for 7 days showcasing the selected photographs in both professional and amateur category. Not only that a coffee table book containing all the selected photographs of TIMESCAPES 2021 will be published and released on the inaugural day of the exhibition.


Winner (Professional Category) 10000/-
Runner Up (professional Category) 7000/-
Winner (Amateur Category) 5000/-
Runner Up (Amateur Category) 3000/-

Rules & Regulation

  • Submissions are open from Monday, April 20, 2021, till Wednesday, June 16, 2021
  • The contest will close at 11:59 PM on Monday, June 16, 2021
  • Submissions can be made only via the email id:
  • Each entry should be sent with a description/story behind the photograph along with participant’s short biography, passport photo, contact details
  • Write to us on our facebook page/Instagram/messanger for any queries or issues
  • There is no participation fees. Everyone is free to send their entries in appropriate category.  But one participant can send only one photograph for the exhibition. Entries sent with more than one photograph will be rejected immediately.
  • There are 2 categories for participants –
    • Professional Category
    • Amateur Category
  • Participants in professional category are encouraged to send their photographs with EXIF data intact
  • Any mobile photographs submitted in the professional category will be rejected immediately
  • The organiser will be allowed to use the winning and shortlisted photographs in the promotion of the contest and the festival. Selected photographs from the submitted entries will also be shared across all social media channels of the organiser. For any other form of usage, the organisers will contact the photographer for permissions
  • The prize money is non-transferable and will be awarded to the participant directly
  • If there is a tie in any of the categories, the cash prize will be divided equally among the winners of said category
  • Any disputes are subject to Bhubaneswar jurisdiction only.

  1. Photographs that are submitted must have been taken in the last 10 years. The photographs should be taken at India only.
  2. All digital photographs must be in JPEG format, RGB mode, with a minimum of 3240 pixels (on the longer side) at 200dpi.
  3. The photograph size should not exceed 10MB.
  4. Photographs with borders, frames, or signatures will not be considered for judging.
  5. Participants should not include any watermark or their name on the image.
  6. Each photograph will have to be accompanied by a relevant title and a detailed description.

  1. The jury, comprising a group of renowned professionals in the fields of photography, art and journalism, will sort and select the winning images using the following criteria:
    • Idea
    • Originality
    • Composition
    • Technical and Artistic Aspects
  2. Once the contest is closed for submissions, participants will only hear from the organisers if their image/s are shortlisted.